Path Of Exile (PoE): How To Identify Items?

Publish date: 2023-06-02

Having the ability to identify in Path of Exile can be the deciding factor when it comes to getting your hands on some amazing items. If you fail to identify an item, you might miss the chance to get your hands on rare character boosters. You might now be wondering how you can determine what an item is by identifying it. In this guide, we will walk you through exactly how to do that.

How to Identify Items in Path of Exile?


Use Scroll of Wisdom to Identify Items in Path of Exile

You can use the Scroll of Wisdom to identify items. It is one of the most common ways you can do so in PoE. The Scroll of Wisdom is a currency that can determine if an image is from the magic, rare, or unique class. It can even determine items from strongboxes.

We recommend you save up your Scroll of Wisdom during the later stages of the game, as this will help you with identification.

Experience in Playing PoE

We have placed this particular method of identification in Path of Exile second because of the experience needed. You basically need to be well-versed enough with the game to be able to understand which items are of value, and which are not. Because of this, we recommend you only use this method if you know the game very well. You need to make sure you know what you are doing to identify items in Path of Exile.

With that being said, this can be rather difficult if you are new to PoE. This is because of how unpredictable the game can be, even to experts.

Monsters will often drop chests and destructible containers whenever you kill them. If you are one of the more experienced players of the game, you will probably be able to tell what the items are.

So there you have it. These are the two ways with which you can identify items in Path of Exile. If you are not very familiar with the game, we would recommend you use the Scroll of Wisdom to identify things.

Now that you know how to identify items, check out our guide on how to Download & Install PoE 3.16 Neversink Loot Filter.
