How To Get Into Law School In BitLife (Become A Lawyer)

Publish date: 2023-02-23
How to get into law school in BitLife

The life simulator game BitLife allows you to live your dream life. Similar to real life, if pursuing a law career in the game is your dream, you need to have the relevant qualification. Hence, getting into the correct law school is important to become a lawyer or judge in BitLife. But that’s not going to be easy as getting into law school in BitLife is one of the most challenging things to do. However, there’s nothing to worry about as this guide on how to get into law school in BitLife will help you with just that.

BitLife: How to Get Into Law School

Due to the high requirements, law school is one of the toughest schools to get into while playing BitLife. There are two major requirements that you need to know to get into law school in BitLife and become a lawyer or judge. The first requirement is high intellectual/smart stats and the second one is having an academic qualification in a relevant subject.

While spawning, the first thing you need to make sure is to get your smartness stats as close to 100 as possible. Without great stats, you don’t even stand a chance to be able to get into law school in BitLife.

Having great stats is just half work done. The next thing that you need to focus on is to get a qualification most probably in subjects like English and Political Science, or secondarily in History. Don’t get a qualification in subjects other than these as it is not going to help any bit.

Complete these two steps and you are most likely to get into a law school in BitLife. Unfollow any of these steps and find yourself rejected from the school straight away.

That’s all you need to know about getting into a law school in BitLife. While you are here planning to become a lawyer or judge, you can read on how to become royalty in BitLife. Law and royalty are two different things and you can try to live both lives. If you are interested in completing weekly challenges in BitLife, you can read our guide on how to complete the latest Monopoly challenge in BitLife.
