Doki Doki Literature Club Plus: All Possible Endings

Publish date: 2023-03-01

Doki Doki Literature Club Plus is a universe where the harsh reality of video gaming may hit you. The game is so intense that there are disclaimers before entering this world and playing it. However, this is what the beauty of the game is. It shows you the truth if you can handle it. There are multiple endings to the game which the players can witness. So in this guide, we will tell you all the possible character and game endings in Doki Doki Literature Club Plus! and how to get them. Warning: Major spoilers ahead!

Doki Doki Literature Club Plus All Character Endings

There are four girls whose ending you will witness. They are Sayori, Natsuki, Yuri, and Monika. All these character endings will not be game endings themselves.

Yuri’s Ending

During Act 2 of Doki Doki Literature Club Plus, Yuri will write a poem for you and confess that she loves you. You will have a choice to accept or reject her confession. Right after that, she will take her own life by stabbing herself with a kitchen knife thrice. You will be forced to spend 2 days with her body in the classroom. The time laps will start and you will get the indications of it by seeing the color of her blood darken and the light in the room changes. By the end of it, her smile will fall and there will be around 1400 lines of random dialogues that will play throughout that will not make any concrete sense. The players later in the game will be told by Monika that the weekend was nothing but a ‘broken script’ and she will apologize for that.

Monika’s Ending

Monika Note

After you have spent the weekend with Yuri’s body, Monika will apologize for the incident and delete Natsuki and Yuri. This is when Act 3 of the game will begin. The screen will abruptly go black as soon as Monika receives a cupcake from Natsuki. A short cutscene will play where Monika confesses that she was manipulating the game in order for you to spend most of your time playing with her. She will urge the player to delete her for deleting everyone else. This is when the player will delete her files and that will angry her. She will express her regret about confessing everything and will slowly start to glitch out. She will then reveal that she loved her friends too much and add the deleted characters back in Doki Doki Literature Club Plus except her.

Sayori’s Ending Doki Doki Literature Club Plus


Sayori’s ending will be the end of Act 1 of Doki Doki Literature Club. She will take her own life in the game by hanging. Later in Act 3, you will find out via Monika that her passing away was not painless. She did not use a higher surface for hanging from the noose which resulted in slowly being asphyxiated and her attempt to free herself by scratching the noose of the rope and getting her blood on her hands. This is an indication that she had changed her mind and wanted to live but she could not survive. When she is gone, the player will enter her room and see her hung. The player will realize that she is gone forever and a distorted version of the Doki Doki Literature Club Plus theme will be playing.

You will forcibly be taken to the main menu and the ‘New Game’ option will be replaced with a line of distorted text but will function the same way as the ‘New game’ option.

Natsuki’s Ending


When the players are in Act 2 of Doki Doki Literature Club Plus, they will witness Natsuki’s end where her neck will snap. On day 3 of Act 2 when the players are done writing 2 poems with her, it will be time to share the third poem. This is when Natsuki will mention that the players have been spending way too much time with Yuri and her face will begin to glitch in black-colored pixels. She will cry blood tears and the entire screen will go dark red and play the distorted version of ‘Okay Everyone!’. Throughout, she will keep complaining about how she wants the players to play with her, and finally, there will be just silence in the room. Right at that moment, her neck will snap and a black screen will appear with the word ‘END’ written backward.

The game will just resume after that like nothing ever happened and the entire incident will be dismissed.

Doki Doki Literature Club Plus Game Endings

There are three kinds of endings that you can witness in Doki Doki Literature Club Plus. They are as follows:

Normal Ending

Doki Doki Literature Club Plus endings

The normal ending of the game is when the ending is depressing and a little on the bitter side. Monika will learn that any character who will take up the president role will become self-aware of the fact that Doki Doki Literature Club is nothing but a video game. No one has free will here and she ends up deleting everything and credits roll out. This gets a bit chaotic. You will witness Monika play her ‘Your Reality’ song on the piano and leave a not on the screen after that. The game up until now has no verbal communication; this is the only voice you will hear in the game.

This ending is usually witnessed by players who just normally play the game without any strategy and do not spend a lot of time progressing individual character stories. An important thing to keep in mind is to not delete Monika’s file very early on in the game.

Here are the steps to get the normal ending:

Act 1

When in act one, the three poem creation sections should only be played once or maximum twice not more than that. Along with that, the players should only pick one of the characters from Yuri or Natsuki to spend the weekend with. With act 1, do not restart the game while in it or try any new different choices. Basically just play Act 1 normally and you should get this ending by default.

Act 2

Nothing you do in Act 2 will affect the end outcome of the game. You can freeball here and play however you like.

Act 3

Act 3 is the actual turning point in Doki Doki Literature Club to get the normal ending. When in act 3, you will need to delete the Monika.chr file from the character folder in the Metaverse Enterprise Solutions desktop. Once done, you can continue playing the DDLC application.

Act 4

After starting a new game, you will reach a point where Sayori will come to you and thank you for deleting Monika. This will be the beginning of the normal ending of the game.

Doki Doki Literature Club Plus Good Ending

Doki Doki Literature Club Plus endings

The good ending is somewhat similar to the normal ending. Here, however, Sayori will learn the fact of them being in a video game and not Monika. The difference is that this good ending is a happier one than the depressing ending of the game. Sayori will thank the players for making all the girls happy and once credits roll. The CG images will however still be present, but the other game data will be deleted. You shall get a thank you note from the developer instead of a sad note from Monika. The note will contain a short message about how the developer was inspired to develop the game.

Here are the steps to get a good ending in Doki Doki Literature Club Plus.

Act 1

During act 1, you will have to unlock all the 9 CGs. There will be 3 per character of Sayori, Yuri, and Natsuki. CGs are nothing but event images. You will have to unlock all of them in Act 1 itself along with a CG of Monika in act 3.

Act 3

Wait till Monika’s CG has been unlocked before deleting her files. If you delete the files too soon, you will just get the normal ending. So once you see Monika’s CG, you will know that now you can delete her files. If in case you cannot unlock all the CGs by Act 1, you will have to run the file after exiting the DDLC. You will find this file in the main files directory.

Quick Ending

Ending Doki Doki Literature Club Plus endings

For the quick ending, Sayori will scream ‘Please make it stop!’ as soon as she realizes that she is in a video game and has no free will. She will delete all the character files and the game will stop. Once out of the game, if the players try to rejoin the game back, they will be met the sight of Sayori hanging from the noose and END written on the screen. Everything will be in black and white. If the players wait for 10 minutes, they will also get a handwritten message from Sayori saying ‘Now everyone can be happy’.

How to unlock all the CGs in Doki Doki Literature Club Plus

The CGs of the girls will be unlocked after you write poems for them and save the games at the right moments. There are save slots in the game that you can use to your benefit. First, write all the poems about Sayori. Before writing the first poem, create a save file. Then on every chance, you get to write a poem, write it on Sayori and tell her I Love You on every prompt. Create a save file in act 1 when you get to the festival. Make sure that do not reach the very end of act 1 and witness Sayori’s s**cide or you will have to restart the game.

Once you unlock all the CGs of Sayori by writing her poems, you can go back to the save file that you created before you started writing the poem and continue with Yuri. follow the same process with Yuri by writing all of the poems about her and taking her side in the dispute with Natsuki. Again, unlock all the CGs of Yuri before the ending of Act 1 and again create a save game folder when you reach the festival. Do the same with Monika by reloading the save file created before the poem.

We have a table here that will show you every word that is available to make a poem and what points are assigned against that word for the characters. This will help you write the poems perfectly.


Words Sayori Yuri Natsuki Adventure 3 1 2 Afterimage 1 3 1 Agonizing 2 3 1 Alone 3 2 1 Amazing 3 1 2 Ambient 2 3 1 Analysis 3 3 1 Anger 2 1 3 Anime 2 1 3 Anxiety 2 3 1 Atone 2 3 1 Aura 2 3 1 Awesome 2 1 2 Beauty 3 1 2 Bed 3 1 2 Blanket 1 2 3 Bliss 3 1 2 Boop 2 1 3 Bouncy 2 1 3 Breathe 1 3 2 Broken 3 2 Bubbles 2 1 3 Bunny 2 1 3 Cage 1 3 2 Calm 3 2 1 Candy 2 1 3 Captive 2 3 1 Charm 3 1 2 Cheeks 2 1 3 Cheer 3 1 2 Childhood 3 1 2 Chocolate 2 1 3 Climax 1 3 2 Clouds 2 1 3 Clumsy 3 1 2 Color 3 1 2 Comfort 3 1 2 Contamination 1 3 1 Covet 1 3 1 Crimson 1 3 1 Cry 3 2 1 Cute 2 1 3 Dance 3 1 2 Dark 3 2 1 Daydream 3 2 1 Dazzle 3 1 2 Death 3 2 1 Defeat 3 2 1 Depression 3 2 1 Desire 1 3 2 Despise 2 3 1 Destiny 2 3 1 Determination 1 3 1 Disarray 1 3 1 Disaster 2 3 1 Disoriented 1 3 1 Disown 1 3 1 Doki Doki 2 1 3 Dream 2 3 2 Effulgent 1 3 1 Electricity 1 3 2 Email 2 1 3 Embrace 3 2 1 Empty 3 2 1 Entropy 1 3 1 Essence 2 3 1 Eternity 1 3 1 Excitement 3 1 2 Existence 1 3 1 Explode 1 3 2 Extraordinary 3 1 2 Extreme 1 3 1 Family 3 1 2 Fantasy: 1 2 3 Fear 3 2 1 Feather 3 1 2 Fester 2 3 1 Fickle 1 3 1 Fireflies 3 1 2 Fireworks 3 1 2 Flee 2 3 1 Flower 3 1 2 Fluffy 2 1 3 Flying 3 1 2 Forgive 3 2 1 Friends 3 1 2 Frightening 2 3 1 Fun 3 1 2 Games 2 1 3 Giggle 2 1 3 Graveyard 2 3 1 Grief 3 2 1 Hair 2 1 3 Happiness 3 1 2 Headphones 2 1 3 Heart 3 1 2 Heartbeat 1 2 3 Heavensent 2 3 1 Holiday 3 1 2 Hop 2 1 3 Hope 3 2 1 Hopeless 3 2 1 Horror 2 3 1 Hurt 3 2 1 Imagination 2 3 1 Incapable 2 3 1 Incongruent 1 3 1 Infallible 1 3 1 Inferno 2 3 1 Infinite 2 3 1 Insight 2 3 1 Intellectual 1 3 1 Journey 2 3 1 Joy 3 2 1 Judgment 1 3 1 Jump 2 1 3 Jumpy 2 1 3 Kawaii 2 1 3 Kiss 1 2 3 Kitty 2 1 3 Landscape 2 3 1 Laugh 3 1 2 Lazy 3 1 2 Lipstick 1 2 3 Lollipop 2 1 3 Loud 3 1 2 Love 3 1 2 Lucky 3 1 2 L*st 1 3 2 Marriage 3 1 2 Marshmallow 2 1 3 Massacre 2 3 1 Meager 1 3 1 Melancholy 2 3 1 Melody 2 1 3 Memories 3 1 2 Milk 2 1 3 Misery 3 2 1 Misfortune 3 2 1 Mouse 1 2 3 Music 3 1 2 Nature 3 1 2 Nibble 2 1 3 Nightgown 2 3 Ocean 3 1 2 Pain 3 2 1 Papa 2 1 3 Parfait 2 1 3 Party 3 1 2 Passion 3 1 2 Peace 2 1 3 Peaceful 3 2 1 Philosophy 1 3 1 Pink 2 1 3 Play 3 1 2 Playground 2 1 3 Pleasure 1 3 2 Poof 2 1 3 Portrait 2 3 1 Pout 2 1 3 Prayer 3 2 1 Precious 3 1 2 Promise 3 1 2 Puppy 2 1 3 Pure 1 2 3 Question 1 3 2 Rainbow 3 1 2 Raincloud 3 1 2 Raindrops 2 3 1 Ribbon 2 1 3 Romance 3 1 2 Rose 3 2 1 Sadness 3 1 2 Scars 3 2 1 Secretive 2 3 1 Sensation 1 3 2 Shame 3 2 1 Shiny 2 1 3 Shopping 2 1 3 Silly 3 1 2 Sing 3 1 2 Skipping 2 1 3 Skirt 2 1 3 Smile 3 1 2 Socks 2 1 3 Sparkle 3 1 2 Special 3 1 2 Spinning 2 1 3 Starscape 2 3 1 Sticky 2 1 3 Strawberry 2 1 3 Sugar 2 1 3 S**cide 2 3 1 Summer 2 1 3 Sunny 3 1 2 Sunset 3 1 2 Sweet 3 1 2 Swimsuit 2 1 3 Tears 3 2 1 Tenacious 1 3 1 Time 2 3 1 Together 3 1 2 Tragedy 3 2 1 Treasure 3 1 2 Twirl 2 1 3 Uncanny 2 3 1 Uncontrollable 2 3 1 Unending 2 3 1 Universe 2 3 1 Unrequited 3 2 1 Unrestrained 1 3 1 Unstable 1 3 1 Vacation 3 1 2 Valentine 2 1 3 Vanilla 2 1 3 Variance 1 3 1 Vertigo 1 3 1 Vibrant 1 3 2 Vitality 1 3 1 Vivacious 1 3 1 Vivid 2 3 1 Warm 3 1 2 Waterfall 1 2 3 Whirlwind 1 3 1 Whisper 2 1 3 Whistle 2 1 3 Wonderful 3 1 2 Wrath 2 3 1

So that is all for our guide on how to unlock Doki Doki Literature Club Plus! endings. If you would like to know whether you can saveSayori or not in the game, we have a guide on that too for you to check out.
