Best Decks For Rage Challenge In Clash Royale (2022)

Publish date: 2023-03-02

The Rage Challenge in Clash Royale can be annoying and frustrating to complete. This guide will help you in making the best Rage Challenge deck that will be suited for your playstyle and help Counter those annoying Raged Elite Barbarians.

Clash Royale: Best Deck for Rage Challenge

In the Rage Challenge, the whole arena is influenced by a rage effect. All troops move faster and attack faster by 35%. This also affects the arena towers as well your elixir gain. Normally the elixir gain is considered as 1x and in double elixir, it’s 2x but in the Rage Challenge, it’s 1.35x, and in double elixir, it’s 2.7x. Keeping this in mind there can be two ways of playing the challenge, Aggressive pushes or passive advantage gain.

Bridge Spam Clash Royale Decks

In aggressive pushes, spamming is the name of the game. Decks like Bridge Spam are deadly as a raged Prince with a Bandit will destroy towers in seconds. If Bridge Spam is not your style then maybe a Golem/Pekka Snowball push might be your deck. Here behind the Golem/Pekka placing troops like a Witch, Executioner, Wizard, Musketeer, etc with smaller troops like Goblins, Minions, or Bats will combo into a massive push that can three crown your opponents.

Decks with the Elixir Pump Clash Royale

If you are the more passive type of a player then Decks with a slower pace might be your thing. Here, Decks with the Elixir Pump fall under this category. The Elixir Pump is an investment card that yields more elixir once it expires. So any damage taken by the Elixir Pump will cripple its efficiency but in this Challenge, it’s a bit different.

An Elixir Pump costs 6 elixir and gives 8 elixir back under normal circumstances. In the Challenge, though the Elixir Pump is affected, instead of the 8 elixir it yields 11 elixir. A 5 elixir profit over the 2 elixir from before.

This will help in playing very heavy decks like Golem Three Musketeer Beatdown Decks or Pekka MegaKnight Beatdown Decks. Using the Elixir Pump sounds like a cheat code in this mode but you must ensure that the Elixir Pump isn’t countered by the Rocket or the Lightning Spells.

Another form of Deck that you can use is the Spawners Decks. Like the Elixir Pump, some cards provide value but in terms of troops. These cards are called Spawners. These include cards like the Barbarian Hut, Goblin Hut, etc.

Usually, when you run an Elixir Pump Deck, opponents save their big damaging spells for it, but when you pair it with Spawners you can either sacrifice certain Spawners for the Elixir Pump or vice-versa. If played correctly you will build an army of troops and will overwhelm the opponent.

What do you do if the opponent also carried an Elixir Pump? Well, that’s simple, carry the Earthquake Spell. The Earthquake Spell does extra damage to building cards which includes the Elixir Pump and Spawners. This Spell will provide a lot of value as it will cripple any buildings that the opponent will place down.

CR Rage Challenge Deck 2022

These are some recommended Decks that you must play in the Rage Challenge in Clash Royale:

giant witch beatdown rage challenge decks clash royale





Each player has a preference on what decks they use so you may use these decks and change, mix, and match some cards that will suit them. Although, keep in mind that in the Rage Challenge that cards like Witch, Spawners, Elixir Pump, and so on are affected by the Rage Effect as they will Spawn more entities than usual.

These were the Decks I recommend for the Rage Challenge in Clash Royale. Hopefully, this will help in your Journey to Defeat the Red King. Meanwhile, don’t miss out on our guide on the Best Decks in CR that you must have!
