Discord Commands List Wiki (2022)

Publish date: 2023-03-02
Command Function ?addmod [role] Assign a moderator role. ?ban [user] [limit] [reason] Used to ban another user with an optional time limit. ?unban [user or id] [optional reason] Unban a user in the server. ?softban [user] [reason] Delete a user’s all messages by banning and unbanning them immediately. ?kick [user] [reason] Kick a user. ?mute [user] [limit] [reason] Mute a user for a specific time. ?unmute [user] (optional reason) Unmute a member. ?lock [channel] (time) (message) Lock down a channel with a message along with a timer. ?unlock [channel] (message) Unlock a Discord channel. ?announce everyone [channel] [message] Send an announcement to @everyone. ?members [role] Brings up a list of 90 members with specific roles. ?warn [user] [reason] Issue a warning to those who break server rules. ?warnings [user] Check total warnings given to any user. Can be used when deciding or not to ban a user from the server. ?note [user] [text] Make a note about any member. ?notes [user] Check previous notes about a member. ?clearnotes [user] Clear all notes for a specific user. ?deafen [user] Deafen a member. ?undeafen [user] Undeafen a member. ?modlogs [user] Get a list of moderation logs for any member. ?clean (optional number) Clear the Dyno responses from the server. ?cat Generate a cat picture from the internet to automatically post to your channel. ?dog Generate a dog picture from the internet to automatically post to your channel. ?pug Generate a pug picture from the internet to automatically post to your channel. ?itunes [song name] Get basic song info about a song. ?pokemon [name] Get information about a Pokemon character, including abilities. ?roll [dice size number – ie d20, or number of dice] Roll a dice or multiple dice in a channel. ?rps [choice] Play rock-paper-scissors with the bot. ?country [country code] Check the basic stats of any country. ?space Get information regarding the space station. ?flip Flip a coin. ?dadjoke Generate a random dad joke. ?norris Generate a random Chuck Norris fact. ?poll “[message]” “[choice1]” “[choice2]” Create a poll for users to vote on. ?github [repository name] Generate info about a Github repository. ?afk Set up an AFK status to display when you are mentioned in the channel. ?afk set [status] Shows an AFK status when mentioned & also shows up in your nickname. ?afk ignore [channel] Not return from AFK in server. ?color [hex number] Check info about a specific color with its hex number. ?randomcolor Create a random hex color in the channel. ?remindme [time] [reminder] Set a reminder in the channel. ?avatar [user] Make a larger version of a user’s avatar. ?dynoav Make a Dyno-like avatar. ?whois [user mention] Shows info about specific members on the server, including their joining dates and roles in the server. ?distance [coords] [coords] Calculate the distance between coordinates. ?discrim [4 numbers] Brings up a list of members with Discord discriminator number. ?membercount Shows the total number of members on the server. ?serverinfo Shows server info like user count and channels. ?emotes Brings up a list of server-based emotes.
