How To Publish A Game On Roblox [2022]

Publish date: 2023-03-26
How To Publish A Game On Roblox

If you are a creator on Roblox and working on something amazing, you don’t want to lose the progress you’ve made due to any issue with your PC. So, it’s best to keep publishing your game after regular intervals to ensure that you don’t lose important data. In this quick little guide, we will take a look at the easy steps you need to follow to publish a game on Roblox.

Table of Contents

How to Publish a Game on Roblox?

Why Can't I Publish my Roblox Game

  • Click on File and select Publish to Roblox.
  • This will bring up the window where you can enter a place name and optional description.
  • Once done, click on Computer along with Phone, Tablet, Console if required and then hit the Create button.
    how to save place roblox
  • Now, when you publish games, they will be private. What you have done till now is simply saved a copy of your place to the Roblox server. You have to change the setting to Public if you think it’s ready for players to access it.
  • How to Make your Roblox Game Public?

    Why Can’t I Publish my Roblox Game? (Upload Failed)

    Sometimes, you may not be able to publish your Roblox game because your upload fails. This could be because your place is too big or it has too much going on in terms of items or scripts.

    You can verify this by following the steps:

    Hopefully, this clears your doubts regarding this query. For more Roblox related content, be sure to explore Gamer Tweak!
