How To Solve Quarantine Zone Button Puzzle Half-Life Alyx

Publish date: 2023-04-14
Half Life Alyx Button Puzzle Solution

Struggling to unlock the gate in Half-Life Alyx Quarantine Zone? Here is a solution on how to open it by solving a simple four by four-button grid. The button puzzle is extremely simple and just required a bit of eye to find the right answer. So here in this guide, you will find the easiest way to solve the quarantine zone button puzzle in Half-Life Alyx. There are only two right buttons to press to unlock the gate and here is what you have to do.

How to solve Button Puzzle in Half-Life Alyx?

The solution to the puzzle is the third button from the top row and the second button from the bottom row. To find how it works, when you are in this region you will notice a few weird things. First, is hovering cardboards that take the shape of an eye. This is the first hint which means you will have to look through to the eye to find the solution for the puzzle.

Half Life Alyz Button Puzzle Solution

Second, you will enter the canal with the button puzzle. There are weird drawings on the wall. These drawings have lines and the design of the grid along with orange buttons. One of these drawings is the solution to the button puzzle in the quarantine zone. To find the right answer, in the middle of the canal area look for a metal cage. Open it and some cardboards will hover up and take the shape of an eye.

You will have to look through this eye for the right solution. So just climb up and look through the eye and you will get the right answer. The solution to the button puzzle is the third button from the first top row and the second button from the lowest bottom row. Just press them on the grid and unlock the main gate.
